Environmental stewardship and sustainability are central to what we do both as a family and as a business. We print locally, using only paper that is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, as having been sourced in an environmentally-friendly, socially responsible and economically viable manner. We minimise travel, we are ‘plastic free’, our packaging is reusable, recyclable, and compostable.

Our commitment extends to charitable giving, with 1% of our annual revenue dedicated to environmental causes through our membership of 1% for the Planet.

We have recently donated directly to:

Rainforest Trust — saving endangered wildlife and protecting our planet by creating rainforest reserves, and in particular a project to establish a new national park for chimpanzees and pygmy hippos in Liberia. 🦛🦛

Copper Canyon Alliance — partnering with Rarámuri communities in the Copper Canyons of Mexico. They provide clean water infrastructure, native seed banks, and sustainable agriculture to Rarámuri schools and communities. A community reservoir and seed bank, built by Copper Canyon Alliance pictured below. If you’re into running, you might you heard of the Rarámuri in Christopher McDougal’s Born to Run. Images below by Will Harlen.

National Trust — “We protect and care for places so people and nature can thrive. Many millions share the belief that nature, beauty and history are for everyone. So we look after the nation’s coastline, historic sites, countryside and green spaces, ensuring everyone benefits.

From wild and precious places to the world outside your window the National Trust offers access, enjoyment and a chance for everyone to help out. Nature and the historic environment are under threat. They’re essential to everyone, they enrich people’s lives and are part of the fabric of society and they urgently need more care.”